Ryken’s Journey

“Ryken’s Journey” is the powerful true story of
how much one baby was loved and how many
lives he will continue to touch because of his
own destiny…
…a destiny designed by Ryken himself.

Have you ever thought your life was going to go in one direction? The path ahead was filled with ignorant bliss. Each step you took brought such joy and wonder that you could not wait to take another turn to see what was around the next bend? But when your whole world collapses, you do not know how to clean up the debris.

That is what has happened to me. After the loss of my baby, I filled wicker baskets with journals. Random thoughts and happy memories filled some pages. The rest of the pages were compiled of the painful memories. I used writing as a tool to release the grip that my grief had around my heart.

I now know, that I have been divinely guided to write this book. I am working hard on listening to the messages that find me. It is amazing what I am hearing now that I am ready to listen. I anticipate other messages on the horizon.

I am ready to share my story because I have a higher purpose. This purpose is to share Ryken’s story. Timing is everything; this phrase is used often. I have to agree with it. I was not ready years ago, but I am ready now.

Before becoming a parent, I thought I knew everything. My eyes were opened wide when my new role happened. Without a shadow of a doubt, the responsibility I felt for my babies was beyond anything that I had ever experienced before.

This book is part of my life journey, and it describes my second son’s entire life. This is a candid and heart-wrenching account of my baby’s life on earth. It is told through my eyes, my heart and my soul. Ryken’s career path was to be a Teacher. I am no different than any other mother who loves her child unconditionally. I want Ryken to fulfill his destiny on earth. For that is what we are each born to do before returning home to the other side.

“Experiencing love and parenting opens us to unimagined joy as well as crushing heartbreak.  Because of one mother’s honesty and forthright talent, we can experience both the happiness and sorrow of Ryken’s Journey – and we can also relate the lessons learned to our own hearts and lives.”  

– Sally Ann Elliot, Registered Nurse, Certified Childbirth Educator

“Eleven years ago I met Ryken and his parents, Brett and Pam.  It was through such an unexpected turn of events that I became part of his medical team.  Fate.  Over the subsequent eleven days, I learned much about Ryken, about his parents, and witnessed the unreserved love of a child from his parents.  Ryken’s Journey is his story.  It is the story of his family, the story of his birth, and the story of his death.  It is the story of how an individual, no matter how young or how brief a life, can teach us so much about love and living.”

– Dr. Aaron Chiu, Neonatologist

Ryken’s Journey Trailer